Help File
This program searches the slide rule sites whose links have been taken from the following sites:
Oughtred Society
David Rance
On inputting the three search strings:
1. dietzgen
2. tyler
3. multilog
into the search engine the following is typical output:
David Crate's Quality Slide Rules
...idCrate's Quality Slide Rules - Current Feature: Eugene Dietzgen Co. * OtherTopics * Interesting but Obscu...
...the most lovely slide rulesever created ... The Dietzgen-Tyler Multilog Lousy indicator design, though. --------------... lovely slide rulesever created ... The Dietzgen-..... Multilog Lousy indicator design, though. -----------------------... Direct Link
Rod's Slide Rule Page
...t and Pape Mannheim Dicas Dicas Ivory Proof Rule Dietzgen Dietzgen Binary Circular Dietzgen N1725 Dietzgen M...
...tion VEB VEB Mantissa Trim LL Weems and Plath Tyler Weil Weil Polylog 1140 W H Smith W H Smith Lo...
... ALRO 200R ALRO 1010 Commercial Alvin Alvin Elite Multilog 1151 Alvin Elite Vectorlog 1157 Appoullot Appoull... Direct Link
By default the "First Hit on Each Page Only" was selected so that only the first hit
(of all three search strings) is shown. Note that all search strings are highlighted in red.
Each site found has a link associated with it at the bottom and in blue. e.g.
Direct Link
As its name suggests "Direct Link" is a direct link to the site shown in green, viz:
Selecting this link displays the page as written by its author. The search strings selected
are not, of course, highlighted.
Now I do not necessarily index the whole of a site. Some sites have significantly more than
slide rule content on them.
It was my design aim to attempt to restrict returned hits to slide rule related topics only.
I therefore only index content in the entry directory and all sub-directories of this entry
directory to which there are links. That is, my software assumes that sites are well
structured with all slide rule content appearing in the same directory sub-tree.
If this is not the case and slide rule content is scattered across a site then some
of it will not be indexed.
Further, only links met within htm/html/shtm/shtml files are followed.
It should be emphasised that this system does not scan the slide rule sites in real time.
Approximately every six months the system runs a web crawler (variously called bots,spiders,
webots etc., etc) which currently indexes over 100 slide rule web sites. It is this index
which is searched when you put in a request.
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