Manufacturer: Aristo
Country of Manufacture: Germany
Type: Tire Construction 90187
Date of Manufacture: ~1959
Scales: (Front) L, 3 special [4 special, C] D, 3 cube roots
Scales: (Back) 2 square roots, 2 special [6 special] 5 special
Number of Scales: 28
Gauge Points: π,q
Slide Rule made from: Plastic
Cursor made from: Plastic
Cursor Lines: 1 front, 1 back
Overall Length of Rule: 33.6 cm
Length of Scales: 25.0 cm + 2.2 cm extension
Width: 4.8 cm
Depth: 0.4 cm
Acquired from: Gift from Dean Butler
Date: June 2013
Condition: Good