Literature Search

AuthorThe Editor
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 1

AuthorThe Editor
TitleList of Sponsors for IM2000
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 3

AuthorThe Editor
TitleSummaries (English, Nederlands, Deutsch)
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 5

AuthorThomas van der Zijden
TitleDutch Work on Logarithmic Tables by Adriaen Vlacq
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 13

AuthorPierre Vander Meulen
TitleSlide Rules: from Similarities to Copies
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 21

AuthorHan Wanders
TitleProduction at the Dutch ALRO-Company
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 33

AuthorSimon A.M. van der Salm, Frans J. Vaes
TitleNumber Systems and the Babylonian Slide Rule
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 41

AuthorCaptain Jan F. Schipper
TitleMercator Graphic Slide Computers in Aviation
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 53

AuthorIJzebrand Schuitema
TitleSpecial Slide Rule Exhibition
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 57

AuthorHerman van Herwijnen
TitleSlide Rule Catalogue on CD-ROM
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 69

AuthorThe Editor
TitleOrganisations of Slide Rule Collectors
LocationProceedings of the 6th International Meeting of Slide Rule Collectors, September, 2000 Pg 71

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