Manufacturer: Educational Instruments Inc.
Country of Manufacture: U.S.A.
Type: Corona 1
Date of Manufacture: After 1965
Scales: (Front) C, D, R (= DI), A, K, L, S, T, ST
Scales: (Back) None
Number of Scales: 9
Gauge Points: π, e, le
Slide Rule made from: Plastic
Cursor made from: Plastic
Cursor Lines: 1
Overall Length of Rule: 9.0 cm diameter
Length of Scales:  
Depth: 0.3 cm
Acquired from: Douglas Jones
Date: August 2003
Condition: Good
 The back contains a mine of information.
 112 formulae; 2 trig tables, 41 conversion factors
 6 series expansions, 2 numerical integration formulae
 13 numerical constants, 72 integrals, 36 differentials