Welcome to Slide Rule Literature Search

Two quite different search facilities are now available.

A.  The classic search facility which allows the search of all of the following:

	(i)   The Journal of the Oughtred Society
	(ii)  The Slide Rule Gazette
	(iii) Skid Stick
	(iv)  International Proceedings
	(v)   The KRING MIR archive

     The articles are displayed as jpegs.

B.   A new search facility which allows the search of The Journal of the Oughtred Society only.

     The articles are displayed as pdfs.

Option B has the obvious disadvantage of only providing searches on The Journal of the Oughtred Society 
but has two advantages.

	(a)  The articles are displayed in a higher quality format.

	(b)  In A, keyword searches can only be made on keywords that I have selected as being 
	     the most appropriate for each article. 
             The keywords for each article can be seen and may vary in number from one to thirty or more.

	     In B, keyword searches can be made for any word appearing in any article.

Choose Option A.        Choose Option B.

Created by Rod Lovett.