Group: sliderule Message: 10180 From: Cthulhu Fatagn Date: 21/08/2001
Subject: SR: Misc: Slide Rule sighting
Further to Mike's posting below, I just spotted a Hemmi 253 (the one with
the blue plastic cursor and blue-toned middle-slider) in the seventies TV
sci-fi series 'Space 1999' first season's last episode titled "Testament of
Arkadia". The said slide rule was seen in a 2-second sequence held by Prof
Bergman as he sat at a console working over some math whilst travelling to
from the moon (adrift in outer space) to a planet called Arkadia which had
just snared the aforesaid moon in its gravitational vice (does not make
sense? You gotta be a S1999 fan to appreciate this). Selected episodes of
the series is now available on DVD from (nope I am NOT - though I
would not wish I am! - a shareholder of for plugging their site
here!). Curious that a slide rule is still used by the good Prof in the TV
series, as a super-sophisticated space-aged looking handheld computer was
later seen in the same episode used by a scientist to translate Sanskrit
(WOW!) into English!! This clearly implied that even in the fictional
background of the TV series, handheld computers are already in use. The
good Prof must be a nostalgic guy liks us!!

From: Michael Coover <hghmike@...>
Subject: Re: SR: Misc: Slide Rule sighting
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2001 22:35:57 -0700

Hi and thanks for the reminder. Are we still reporting slide rule sightings
in movies/shows? Was on vacation last week and watched a show on the
History channel describing the development of the Spitfire. Great airplane
and one scene showed someone manipulating a rule while calculating stresses
on the airframe. (I think...I
fell asleep towards the end of the program.)

Mike Coover wrote:

> Greetings,
> There are a lot of things we do on this list which may not be obvious to
newcomers, and some of us veterans need reminders from time to time, too.
For that reason, I am putting together this message to do just that.
> Here is the list of keywords for your subject line of any message you
send to the list. I am going to keep the list very short, so it will be
easy to remember:
> Maint: (for maintenance, repair, restoration, etc.)
> Math: (for all the fun math problems that are so popular to the list)
> Help: (for requests for availability, price questions, "how to", etc)
> Book: (for instruction manuals, catalogs, reference materials, research
questions, etc.)
> Misc: (just about everything else)
> Here is how it works. Use one of the five keywords, complete with ":" as
the first word in your title. After that, you are on your own for the
title. That is it. If you are responding to an email, please remove the
"RE:" or "SV:" from the subject line, so we don't end up with a long list of
them in front of our messages.
> Buying, selling, and swapping are activities normally handled by the
slide rule trade list. You can join that list by going to:
> If you are not yet a member of the Oughtred Society, you can find more
information about it at:
> We have yet another sister list for drawing and drafting instruments.
You can join that list by going to:
> This message is set up to repeat periodically, so please read all of it,
as I may make changes from time to time.
> Warmest regards,
> Michael O'Leary
> KEYWORDS - Maint: Math: Help: Book: Misc:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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