Group: sliderule Message: 11030 From: Edward Jackson Date: 24/10/2001
Subject: SR Sightings
Just a point of information, the movie "No Highway In the
Sky" is not an Ernest Gann work. The movie is based on Nevil Shute
(Norway)'s novel "No Highway". Nevil Shute was a British engineer who
designed aircraft, worked on the design of the R-100 Airship and founded his
own aircraft company Airspeed Limited. His autobiography is titled "Slide
Rule" and is a must read for those who enjoy the history of technology. He
also wrote the novels "On the Beach" and "A Town Like Alice (The Legacy)"
which were made into movies, although there were no sliderules in them.
Nevil Shute has written over 20 books and his work are very well done and
are worth reading.
Being a great "Shute" fan I just could not let this pass by.
Ernest Gann is a great author who also writes about aircraft and planes and
I can see where Kurt could be confused by the movie.


> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 22:52:51 -0000
> From: ktate@...
> Subject: SR Sightings
> It's been a long time since I saw this movie so I can't be absolutely
> sure about this sighting. The 1951 filming of Ernest Gann's "No
> Highway In The Sky" starring Jimmy Stewart. Jimmy plays a widowed
> absent minded professor type with a young daughter. He works for a
> British aircraft manufacturer, and he's convinced that their latest
> airplane is flawed. I believe there are several scenes with Jimmy
> working his slide rule for various calculations. The book and film
> were obviously based on the de Havilland Comet (I believe the plane
> in the movie was called the Reindeer and was propellar driven). Of
> course Jimmy is vindicated in the end and gets a new mother for his
> adolescent daughter. A very good movie.
> Kurt