Group: sliderule Message: 14029 From: Rusty Haight Date: 26/05/2002
Subject: UK SR sighting Weds night next
While here in the UK this week I worked with the BBC show "Technology
Tomorrow" (sorry, I may have the name wrong but I'm packing this AM to
leave for Holland and the show's name is at least similar to that). The
show airs in the UK next Weds night 29 May at, I am told, 1900hrs /
7pm. Someone more familiar with it here in the UK may want to advise the
right name and air time if I got it wrong. We don't get that show often in
the US.... ;-)

Anyway, the significant part re this forum is the "sighting." Throughout
most of the day, I wore my ISRG ballcap (indirect shameless plug for the
group on the BBC!).

While I didn't get a chance to actually break out a slide rule during the
day, although I had one on hand, I just got too busy, I did mention that
what we were doing could have been done on a SR so this may not be a direct
SR Sighting, but, via the logo, it is fairly close. One of the broadsheets
was there as well and they were working on an article for future
publication. Their photog only asked me to shed the hat once but took a lot
of pictures, so that should count as another sighting. When I hear about
that publication date and confirm the paper's name, I'll advise.

Regards to all,
- Rusty Haight
W. R. "Rusty" Haight