Group: sliderule Message: 15742 From: Schadt, Henry Date: 17/10/2002
Subject: Re: SR Re: Sighting
There is a sighting in the original series, I think episode 3 or 4 I'll have
to check.

Mr. Spock was sitting at his station computing a 'time to event' using a
small circular slide rule
affixed to a rectangular box.

Hank Schadt

-----Original Message-----
From: jerry_mccarthy_uk [mailto:jerry_mccarthy_uk@...]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 5:02 AM
Subject: SR Re: Sighting

Does a 'mention' count as a 'sighting'?

Approx two weeks ago, "The Enterprise", the latest-to-be-produced
Star Trek, had two characters marooned in a shuttle where they were
in need of some navigational assistance. One asked the other "Where's
your sextant?". The other replied "I must have left it with my slide
rule" (Both quotes approximate)

Regards, Jerry McCarthy, UK.

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