Group: sliderule Message: 16574 From: Cthulhu fatagn Date: 15/12/2002
Subject: SR Sighting Pipckett Microline ES on Singapore magazine cover
SR Sighting!! Further to my earlier message I have gone out to buy an issue
of this magazine which shows a Pickett Microline ES featured upside-down on
the front cover of a Singapore-published investment magazine! Anyone
wishing to have its scanned cover in .jpg format can email me on this
channel (remove the spaces from Cthulhufatagn @ Hotmail . Com).
This sighting is significant for a number of reasons:-
(i) Picketts are almost certainly NEVER retailed in Singapore / Malaysia.
So where did they get a picture of it and why did they decide to use a
Pickett instead of a Faber or a Staedtler-Mars or even a Flying Fish (makes
and models available locally)?
(ii) the dang thinggy is shown upside-down on the cover which says a
helluva lot about the editors' math ability or their appreciation of what
the hell a slide rule is for!
(iii) anyone has any idea how a Pickett microline slide rule can be
significant in investment/financial analysis? Any monetary formulae
requiring slide rule math?
Regards and have fun people

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