Group: sliderule Message: 22886 From: Cthulhu fatagn Date: 24/01/2004
Subject: SR Sighting - K19 Widowmaker screen capture
SR Sighting - K19 Widowmaker screen capture

Sometime ago someone spotted a slide rule in the captoned movie. I managed
to get 2 screen captures of the scene featuring the slide rule. Looks like
your typical K+E job, but since the movie is produced jointly with National
Geographic people who are famous for their attentiveness to historical
authenticity (the "Making Of" featurette on the DVD is amazing! They
actually obtained the design drawings from the shipyard which produced the
submarine in question to make the set!) one may reasonably assume they dug
up a gen-YOU-wine Sov slide rule to play its own part!

Anyone interested in the screen capture? Email me cthulhufatagn @ hotmail .
com (eliminate the spaces) with the title "I WANT THE K19 SLIDE RULE
SCREENSHOTS" and I will send you the shots in a day or two.


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