Wired magazine "Test" issue "The World's Best Gadgets 2008" Winter 2008
1) "The Best Obsolete Technologies" Page 18 Slide Rule listed, Hemmi 153 photo
2) The Wired Ultimate Gadget Tourney" Page 24 4 groups of 16 gadgets Pickett N6-ES slide rule seeded #5 in group 1 vs. Texas Instrument TI-30 calculator seeded #12 - TI-30 wins round
- tourney winner = RCA CT-100 color TV (1954) over John Bird sextant (1729)
It is noted that sextants are still readily available while the slide rule has "sadly ... gone the way of the pocket protector." I still use pocket protectors and slide rules.
Ron McConnell
"Clement's Constant" "Just because it's old technology, doesn't mean that it's obsolete or useless technology!" - Hal Clement (a.k.a. G. Harry Stubbs), Science Fiction author, 1996