Group: sliderule Message: 39349 From: Beorn Johnson Date: 21/04/2010
Subject: Sliderule sighting
In a recent episode of "Truly California: Our State, Our Stories" on
KQED (the local PBS station, and timed for Earth Day), there is a
very brief scene about 14 minutes in of three
engineers, purportedly working on a dam design, the one in the middle
is holding/working with a slide rule. There is not enough detail to
tell any more than it's a standard 10" design. I kind of wonder if this
is actually stock footage. The details of the episode are below.

- Beorn Johnson

Truly CA: Our State, Our Stories [#402]
From the moment David Brower first witnessed the extraordinary
beauty of the Yosemite Valley, his life was tied to the fight to
preserve the American wilds for future generations. His fiery
dedication and skillful activism transformed the Sierra Club,
bringing the environmental movement into the public consciousness.
Monumental re-visits Brower's unrelenting campaigns to protect and
establish some of our most treasured national parks and monuments.
At the center of the film are the themes that absorbed Brower
throughout his life and work with the Sierra Club: the spiritual
connection between humans and the great outdoors, and the moral
obligation to preserve what is left of the world's natural wonders
from the encroachment of progress. Weaving Brower's vivid 16-mm
archival wilderness footage and interviews with leading conservationists,
historians, politicians, and Brower's family, Monumental is an
inspiring portrait of a true American legend.
By Kelly Duane.
duration 58:04 CC STEREO TVG