Group: sliderule Message: 39630 From: JohnA Date: 13/07/2010
Subject: sighting on Outer Limits
This morning, THIS TV network ran a 1963 episode of Outer Limits, "Controlled Experiment". Two Martians, disguised as humans, were preparing to observe and analyze mankind's tendency to murder, to determine if the dominant species on this "10th rate planet" should be eliminated to protect the galaxy.

While receiving radio instructions from their "Control Center", one grabbed a 10-inch simplex SR and the other plucked a 5-inch SR from his pocket and both began frantically manipulating their slide rules. The Martian with the pocket rule completed the calculation first and rattled off a very long number extending out to 4 decimal places. The other quickly agreed.

Amazing eyesight those Martians must have!

Both were standing, facing the camera, with only the back side of the SRs visible and I couldn't determine what brand slide rules they had. The 10-inch looked similar to a Pickett N901-T or N902-T, with conversions or instruction text on the back side.

John Alsobrook
North Carolina