Group: sliderule Message: 46965 From: Philip Stanley Date: 10/03/2016
Subject: Re: Slide Rule Sighting
While going through som old paperwork I came across a newspaper comic
strip that I'd printed out last year. It's the strip DUSTIN, centered
on an unemployed live-at-home young man and his contretemps. It is the
strip for July 10, 2015, and shows dustin and a friend going through a
box full of old stuff. Dustin says he can't believe that the 35 mm SLR
he's holding was once used to take pictures, and his friend says that
it's got to be the ugliest cell phone he's ever seen. For all three of
the frames of the strip the friend has a slide rule in his hands
(presumably as another example of obsolete technology.
Since it would probably be difficult to accass a comic strip from 8
months previous, I have attached a copy of the strip so the members can
view it.
Philip Stanley

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