Group: sliderule Message: 48438 From: Bruce Arnold Date: 01/03/2018
Subject: Re: Sliderule sighting
Comes up yellow for me. 

Nice to see a slide rule as an icon of rational thought, regardless of whether or not the accompanying article succeeded in that endeavor. 

Bruce Arnold 

On Mar 1, 2018 4:20 AM, "Bob bobtull@... [sliderule]" <> wrote:

If your politics lie to the RIGHT you may not like to spend time on this site, but the gorgeous image of an N 3P should delight the slide rule enthusiast of any leaning... stories/2018/2/27/1745363/- Focus-on-system-failures-is- technically-indefensible-and- morally-bankrupt

I will say that the image seems a little off as the rule is noted as an -ES but it doesn't have the "Eye Saver" Yellow we have come to know and maybe love. Looks like a -T to me!!