Manufacturer: Sun Hemmi
Country of Manufacture: Japan
Type: P262
Date of Manufacture:  
Scales: (Front) LL01, LL02, LL03, DF [CF, CIF, CI, C] D, LL3, LL2, LL1
Scales: (Back) K, A, R1, R2 [ T2, T1, ST, S, C] D, L, LL00, LL0
Number of Scales: 25
Gauge Points: π, p'', p', re, e
Slide Rule made from: Plastic
Cursor made from: Plastic
Cursor Lines: 1 front, 1 back
Overall Length of Rule: 33.7 cm
Length of Scales: 25 cm
Width: 4.6 cm
Depth: 0.5 cm
Weight: 125 gm
Acquired from: Sphere Research
Date: July 2000
Condition: Good
 Cardboard box. Good condition
 Instructions (English). Good condition
 Plastic box. Good condition
 Slide projects from both ends of rule
 JOS Vol 9, No. 2
 "The Sun Hemmi System of Trigonometric
 and Hyperbolic Scales"
 Borchers and Cotter