Herman Archive Help File

This program allows the search of the Herman Slide Rule Archive for any string appearing in that archive.

A typical search with "Aristo" as String 1 and "0972" as String 2 (both without the quotes) might give
the following output with, in general, a thumbnail picture.

Name Aristo 0972 Hyperlog
Front Scales H2 Sh2 Th K A = B T ST S P C = D DI Ch Sh1 H1
Back Scales LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0
Type of Rule slide rule
Material plastic
Dimension (mm) 358X66X4
Area of Use generic
CommentInsert comments here
Origin of Rule Herman van Herwijnen/IJzebrand Schuitema
Match Number 3962
ThumbnailNo Picture

Thus any string in any of the fields:

(a) the name of the rule(b) front scales (c) back scales(d) type of rule(e) material
(f) dimension (g) area of use(h) comments(i) origin of rule

may be searched.

Thus "aviation" (without the quotes) would find all entries with the word "aviation" anywhere in the database.
This would be in the "name" field or "area of use" field or "comment" field.

Similarly "cerny" (without quotes) would find all entries with the word "cerny" anywhere in the database.
This would probably be in the "origin of rule" field, i.e. entries for all rules submitted by Jim Cerny.

It should be noted that the match number field is not searched.

To search for a specific "match number", the match number should be preceded by a "#".
Thus "#396" is a specific search for match number 396.
A search string containing a non-numeric field after the "#" (other than spaces which are ignored) is treated as normal.

It must be pointed out that "match numbers" were used in Herman's original catalogue and few people will be interested in them.

Slide rule scales may be searched by starting the line with "#s". Thus #s LL00 LL01 will search for all rules with front or back scales starting with the string shown.
Case and spaces are ignored.
The "=" sign is used by Hermans's Archive to separate scales on the body from those on the slide.
Thus #s LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C will search for all rules with the scales as shown with the scales CF CIF CI and C
on the slide.
Similarly, #s LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0 will seach for rules with a complete side as shown.

The "BUT NOT" field may be used when searching for scales.

"." may be used to mean any character. Thus a search for "log.log" would be a search for "log log" or "log/log" etc.

Case is ignored so a search for "Log" is treated as the same as a search for"log".
It is thus easier to search in lower-case.

String 4 ( the BUT NOT field ) is useful to exclude possibilities. Thus "loga" in String 1 and "logarithm" in String 4
will find "logarex" etc., but exclude "logarithm" "logarithmic" etc.

Similarly "2/83" in String 1 and "62" in String 4 will find only lines with "2/83" in.

"|" (the vertical bar, normally found on the bottom left of the keyboard and referred to as "OR" by Unix users)
may be used to select alternatives:

Thus: "keuffel" in String 1 and "4070|4071" in String 2 may be used to select all Keuffel 4070 rules
and Keuffel 4071 rules.

Similarly "aristo" in String 1 and "slide rule|disc" in String 4 would find all entries containing "aristo"
but not "slide rule" or "disc".

An explanation of the symbols found in the above fields may be obtained from:  Code 1 and Code 2 and Code 3.

Attribution of the original contents of this database was obtained from Herman's database.

If readers are aware of different attributions please let me know and I will ensure that the changes are made.

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