Manufacturer: Keuffel & Esser
Country of Manufacture: U.S.A.
Type: 4061T
Date of Manufacture:  
Scales: (Front) A [B, S, C] D / cms
Scales: (Back) A [BI, T, CI] D, L
Number of Scales: 11
Gauge Points: π, q, marks on S corresponding to p' and p" on A
Slide Rule made from: Plastic and Mahogany
Cursor made from: Steel and Glass
Cursor Lines: 1 front, 1 back
Overall Length of Rule: 18.2 cm
Length of Scales: 12.5 cm
Width: 3.0 cm
Depth: 0.6 cm
Acquired from: Erik Huemmer
Date: March 2004
Condition: Good