Manufacturer: Lafayette
Country of Manufacture: Japan
Type: 99-705514
Date of Manufacture: 1950+
Scales: (Front) LL00, L, K, A [B, S, ST, T, C] D, DI, P, LL0
Scales: (Back) LL01, LL02, LL03, DF [ CF, CIF, CI, C] D, LL3, LL2, LL1
Number of Scales: 25
Gauge Points: π, C, R, p', p'', re, e
Slide Rule made from: Bamboo and Plastic with Metal End Pieces
Cursor made from: Plastic
Cursor Lines: 1 front, 1 back
Overall Length of Rule: 35 cm
Length of Scales: 25 cm + 3.0 cm extension
Width: 4.7 cm
Depth: 0.7 cm
Weight: 148 gms
Acquired from: Leon Thibault
Date: Mar 2001
Condition: Good
 Brown Leather Case.  Good condition
 Essentially the same as the SIC 151, 
 Alvin Elite Multilog and Sans Streiffe 312
 (but with extra gauge points). Lafayette is an
 American company but this rule has "Made in Japan"
 on it - manufactured by Hemmi?
 Advertised as a 99-70559 14 but I can see no
 reference to the "14".