Manufacturer: Scientific Instrument Company
Country of Manufacture: Japan
Type: Circular 1610 Professional
Date of Manufacture: 1962+
Scales: (Front) EI, CI, C on rotating section. D, A, K, LL0, LL1, LL2, LL3
Scales: (Back) LL03, LL02, LL01, LL00, L, DI, D, T, S, T, S, T, ST
Number of Scales: 23
Gauge Points: π,p'', p', R, le, V
Slide Rule made from: Aluminium coated with thick plastic
Cursor made from: Plastic
Cursor Lines: 2 front, 1 back
Overall Length of Rule: 5'' diameter
Length of Scales:  
Depth: 0.4 cm
Weight: 84 gms
Acquired from: Analog Scientific
Date: Feb 2002
Condition: Good
Accessories: Leather pouch. Medium condition
 White, otherwise identical to Pickett 111ES