The National Museum of Computing

The UKSRC now has a permanent display of slide rules and information at Bletchley 

On Saturday, January 24, Hon. Ed., PeterHopp, Dave Nichols and Tom Martin assembled 
at TNMOC with a selection of slide rules and set the display up. A planned special 
display of Unique rules had to be temporarily abandoned due to lack of space. In view 
of the generosity of the Museum in supplying two secure glass cabinets complete with 
lighting, we believe any further cabinets be at least part funded by the UKSRC.  
With this in mind we will be launching an appeal for funds from members (details in 
next issue).

The Museum has also supplied stands for the rules and holders for information cards. 
On another wall we have a panel with information and details of the UKSRC.

This co-operation between ourselves and TNMOC will be of benefit to both parties by 
advancing our profiles.

We cannot emphasise enough our thanks to TNMOC and all their volunteers for the great 
interest they have taken in this project and we look forward to the development of 
our relationship.

It has been mooted that we should hold a future meeting at Bletchley Park and this 
subject will be raised at our meeting in April.  A brief taster of our display is given 
here. Further images can be seen on both our and TNMOC websites.

We hope many of you will visit Bletchley Park but if this is not possible, take a look at

The above was taken from an article in Skid Stick Issue 31.

Clicking on the thumbnails below will provide much larger pictures.